100 Fold Studio: Site Visit To Ensenada, Mexico

‘Jose, his wife Rocio, and their three children had been living on their property in a house with a dirt floor and leaky roof and walls. His daughters and wife were sick all the time and tensions were high, as his youngest daughter was critically ill. Constant stress was taking its toll, and no money was available to move his family or repair the house. Jose was ready to pack up his family and leave the area because of the hopelessness and constant anxiety. He felt inadequate as a father and husband that could not even provide for his own family.
As the Manzanillas Torres family walked out of the dilapidated house for the last time to say goodbye to neighbors, a truck pulled up with two Homes of Hope staff members. As the two ladies approached, one handed Jose a few papers, asking him to prepare his land for a new house that was going to be given to him. “I didn’t believe it was true!” exclaimed Jose. Now that Jose and his family are warm and healthy in their new house, they look back on the difficult time in their lives with such thankfulness in their hearts. “YWAM opened The Manzanillas Torres Family the door to Christ for us!” Rocio said.
With the new house, sickness is gone, work is better, their marriage is more fulfilling and Jose and Rocio are better friends. With a smile Rocio went on, “This house has helped us to learn to live in a home as a couple — and that everything is possible. Our relationship with God has taught us to trust people, and that has helped us a lot. I feel more organized here. It’s easier. I love my house — it’s comfortable — when I am in here I feel the warmth of all the hands that built it and know that I am not alone.” Jose could not stop smiling.” – Homes of Hope Testimonial: website
I love reading through the stories of all the lives that are being transformed through the organizations that 100 Fold  serves. The Manzanillas Torres family received a home that was donated and built by Homes of Hope in Ensenada, Mexico. In January, I traveled to Ensenada to help Homes of Hope with a strategy for developing their existing property as well as a newly purchased one. Homes of Hope receives hundreds of volunteers each year that come to build homes for impoverished families. All of these volunteers and the Homes of Hope staff are housed and fed on this property. The future, renovated campus that 100 Fold has designed will increase the amount ofsafe and comfortable accommodations, including kitchen, eating and meeting facilities. This will allow Homes of Hope to receive more volunteers each year and build more houses in the surrounding community! Additionally, the facility will serve as a meeting place for local churches.
As I have been learning more about the role 100 Fold plays in global missions, I think I had underestimated the value of good architectural planning for ministries that are trying to be good stewards of donated fundsHave you ever considered why the drawings architects do are called plans? I hadn’t. Until recently. I suppose it’s because they offer exactly that–a plan. The appropriate steps to take to achieve the best result. Decisions like what materials to buy, where to place a wall, where to dig for the foundation, are all informed by that plan. We all know that in the non-profit world, money rarely flows in large, steady increments. So for a ministry to be given a master plan that has been developed through a professional architectural lens, they are able to make better informed decisions with the resources that do come in. The hope is that the plan will result in safe, efficient and cost-effective buildings that can save time and money in the long-term (and hopefully in the short-term too!).
I’m definitely a planner by nature. I have been ever since I was little. When I do those personality tests, I always fall into “Type A” or “Beaver” or whatever category identifies the people that like to have all their ducks in a row! Those of you that join me in these categories will know the strengths and weaknesses of this personality type. But I take comfort in knowing that planning reflects a characteristic of God. He values plans too. The whole Bible is a story of God’s plan. His continual plan for our redemption. And thus, I trust that God is also the Ultimate Architect. One I can look to for wisdom and creativity about building designs & master plans, that will serve our ministry partners in the best way possible.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

Teach Me to Love

It been a long three weeks, but I have really loved Thailand. A lot has gone on, from spending time with some people in prison

Daring To Be Obedient

My journey to becoming a missionary with YWAM began in September 2013. For several years before coming to YWAM Montana I had been actively involved