Seattle, Washington

Zac Eastwood

Zac Eastwood

Zac Eastwood started serving with YWAM in 2006 with his wife and 2 sons. Most of his work over those years has been in DTS as he loves to work with young people and see them grow in their relationship with God and realize the power of the Gospel in their own life. Over the years, he has also been apart of starting new ministries involving prayer & worship, the arts, and further discipleship for staff and students. He loves doing ministry with his family to other countries and has been to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Jamaica, Peru, Egypt, Turkey, and Kyrgyzstan.

Hope is Terrifying

‘“About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.”  “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t

Your Beauty is Not Your Value

It was over – again.  The hope, unspoken, barely admitted, though thoroughly wrestled through, fell away like it had so often done before. As usual,