Lecture Phase Wrap-Up

It is a cold and rainy evening here in Lakeside, Montana, but we’re optimistic that as we head out into the backcountry for a 5 day backpacking trip tomorrow the weather will clear and the temperatures will rise.

Trip #6, as we call it, is our last full lecture week before outreach departure on September 19. It is also the capstone trip as we will be putting almost all of our outdoor skills and knowledge into practice. The team will be splitting into two groups, with each group accompanied by staff and a guest speaker. One team will start on the west end of our route and another team at the east end. On Wednesday we’ll cross paths. We eat like kings!

The teaching topic for the week is evangelism, which comes on the heels of last week’s teaching on missions. The other teaching since our update in week 8 was community development/worldview. While we’ve had lots of opportunity to “rub shoulders” with outdoor enthusiasts on our camping trips this summer, our focus is also geared towards reaching out to the Nepali people and the trekkers that we’ll meet along the way as we trek Annapurna base camp trail in a few weeks. We believe that God is calling us to this specific outreach in Nepal and we would appreciate your prayers as we go to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to those that need to hear it and receive it.

A few other highlights over the past few weeks include the EDTS crew running children’s ministry at the YWAM MT staff retreat and lots of food dehydrating for trips 5 & 6. Another great adventure was a descent into an ice cave and a swiftwater rescue outing with the local search and rescue association (some had more opportunities than others to engage with this activity as I accidentally got the jet boat stuck and it took the better part of the morning to get it out of the water! I was showered with grace by the team and it made me very grateful to work with such a caring group).

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement throughout the past 12 weeks. We’ll try to send an update before the team leaves for outreach.

Trip #6 was a huge success and it had its share of challenges, including some dried up water sources, but the views, vistas and teaching for the week was transformational. A huge thank you to our fearless leaders and teachers for the week. And as always, thanks to our amazing students who continue to help pioneer Endurance DTS!

Click the image below to learn more about EDTS!


Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

The Road to Damascus

I have been a Christian since I was about 4 years old. I have grown up in a Christian home and have read my Bible

Can WE change lives?

Reaching out. In the past 6 months, I’ve seen this phrase play out in Scripture repeatedly. In Luke chapter 8 Jesus was on his way