Is Following Jesus Supposed to be This Scary?

…this has probably been the hardest and most uncomfortable process that I have ever willingly engaged in.

As I learn more about who God is and who I am, I release more and more control of my life. While this is liberating, and I am becoming more of who I was created to be, this has probably been the hardest and most uncomfortable process that I have ever willingly engaged in. Letting go requires trust. Although I do believe that God can at times gift us with faith, He most often draws us to Him through experience and through choice. No miraculous feelings, just one soul choosing to grow ever closer to its Maker as they journey through life in this world together.  

Right now, there are still many areas of my heart where trust still hasn’t been grown by experience. So, I am scared and I worry. Each time God comes through. But, each time I am also presented with the opportunity to choose to trust Him, whether I feel that trust of not. Through this process, I have experienced more anxiety than ever before. Our culture seems to think that all good things come naturally. This idea has seeped into our spirituality and it leaves us doubting that God is good and that He is with us when things get hard.

But, that’s a lie.

Love doesn’t always feel good and it doesn’t always come easily.

If you look through the pages of the Bible, they are filled with examples of people choosing to trust God (or not) in very hard situations. Trusting Him is a guarantee that your life is in the hands of the Living God – who, out of love, sent His Son to die for you. But that’s not a guarantee of ease or a feeling of security. Love doesn’t always feel good and it doesn’t always come easily.

If you are feeling fear or anxiety in the face of an opportunity to relinquish control and trust God, whether that be with transition or relationships or anything else, let me encourage you…DO IT. He will be there. He won’t leave you, even if it hurts in the process.


Feeling anxiety over areas of your life you know God wants you to trust Him with? 

Come join us for a Discipleship Training School and build a solid foundation of trust in God that will help you through whatever difficulties life brings.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

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