Teach Me to Love

It been a long three weeks, but I have really loved Thailand. A lot has gone on, from spending time with some people in prison to hanging out in a remote village on the border of Myanmar to teaching English to so many students of different ages. Even with all that going on, I haven’t had any big, huge life changing moments. Alas, this past week has been busy, and it has awakened a new realization. My team has been pretty close from the very begining. It came as an almost rude surprise to be experiencing some discord within our group. The fact that we fell into something that every team goes through made me the most mad. I thought we’d be the one team to hold it together. But a couple trips to the hospital, a mysterious rash, and a few emotional breaks down later… we are only human. Throughout it all I’ve had a song stuck in my head. Here’s what I learned: Senior year of high school my dear Spanish teacher, Señora Oeste, came across this simple but profound song

“Enseñame a amar,
enseñame a ser como tú,
dame tú corazon”

Which translates to:

“Teach me to love,
teach me to be like You,
give me Your heart”

Having that mindset can change everything. My sweet sister Katie led team time tonight and she basically said if we DON’T TRY to have God’s heart for these people then we will fail at why we even came here. Maybe its cliché, but love goes a long way. Love is the answer. Love is bigger. cue elephant love medley Life live with all the love you can give, you might surprise yourself.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

You’re an Extra

No one is going to remember you when you die. This isn’t just an opinion of mine, it’s a statement backed up by statistics. According

Planting Seeds and Trusting God

God totally blew my mind the other day.  Here’s the story. One of the temples in Chiang Mai does something called Monk Chat.  Basically, a