Why Do I Dance?

Our dance company recently returned from a tour across the southern United States. While in the South we quickly realized that self-expression isn’t as prevalent in southern churches and Christian communities as some of the other places that we’ve traveled.  However, we knew that dance was on God’s heart, so we obediently stepped out. We reminded ourselves that it’s not about us. We dance to see Jesus glorified and to see people encounter His love. Our hearts were longing to release God-given expression to people around us and so we did.

As I danced I felt a prayer erupting from inside of me

One sunny, hot day in Atlanta, GA we found ourselves in a park talking to a couple who were singing their way around the USA.  Their music was beautiful and they filled the park with soul-filled expression.  When they heard that we were a touring dance company they asked us to dance for them.  They began playing and I began to dance, and as I danced I felt a prayer erupting from inside of me.  A prayer of hope, beauty, and restoration.  An expression of the father’s heart released through dance.  A crowd started to gather, and the company performed one our group pieces.  As we finished the choreography and started talking to people I noticed a  young lady who had been watching us from the fringes of the crowd. Her name was Angel. She explained that she had been planning to leave but, “It was like I couldn’t get in the car, like my feet were walking over here and I couldn’t control them”. We prayed for her and gave her some encouraging words.  With tears in her eyes she thanked us and said that one day she hoped she could do what we did. She felt so loved and accepted for who she was. She encountered the love of Jesus.

So why do I dance? This is why I dance, this is why I travel the country for hours upon hours in a van, because of people like Angel.  It’s worth it! Bringing an encounter that could change a life, stepping out in obedience even when it’s unplanned or seemingly random.  Jesus is purposeful, and as we trust Him and walk in obedience He reaches into lives and changes them forever.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

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