The Well – An Update on Our New Worship School

We recently finished running a new course called “The Well.” The Well is a hands on, practical application course for those who want to gain more experience in worship leadership and ministry. During our 12 weeks together, we led worship 148 times, traveled thousands of miles to lead worship in churches around the country (some with congregations over 5,000), led two 24-hour worship experiences, filmed and recorded a live worship time with some original songs on the deck of our Student Center, and attempted to become more devoted followers of the Holy Spirit as He leads us to honor Him.

The whole point of The Well is to give students a wide variety of opportunities to step out in worship leadership while partnering the Holy Spirit.  We wanted to do more than talk about worship in theory, but learn by actually doing worship.  The basic format was to talk about some principles together, lead worship, discuss what happened and how the Holy Spirit was moving, and then do it all again with another group of people in another venue.

We spent over five hours a week learning music theory, sound reinforcement, Pro Tools and other technical skills that equip us to be more effective.  We rehearsed together 10-20 hours per week. We had voice lessons and studied hymns. We spent an hour each day in the Psalms. All this to say, it was a JAM PACKED 12 weeks, and we feel richer because of it.

Surprisingly, after all that, we only wanted to worship more.  You would think that this routine might get a little old, but being in God’s presence has a way of increasing our hunger for Him.  We found that after the 12 weeks, not only had our skills and experience increased, but so had our passion.

We’d love to have you join us for  The Well next Spring! It’s a growing school with limited space so apply early!

Check out the playlist below to see four live songs from The Well (three originals and a cover). We’ll be posting three more songs later this summer.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

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