School of messengers
Your next step in missions
Get trained in sharing the gospel
Learn how to engage in missions strategically and sustainably, keeping you focused on your calling for the years ahead.
Get hands-on experience sharing the Gospel in local and international communities.
Get help from experienced missionaries who will walk with you as you create your outreach plan.
Engage in weekly times of prayer, worship, and fellowship with Christians from around the world
Design your own outreach as a team
Learn to…
Plan and execute your outreach
Communicate with contacts
Share the Gospel cross culturally
Gain on-the-ground missions experience
Gain tools and understanding to effectively communicate the Gospel
Take full advantage of your time to share the Gospel cross-culturally for 12 weeks.
Who is this school made for?
The School of Messengers is a secondary school that is designed to equip new and old missionaries to be obedient to the call of God on their lives - being a part of the waves of missionaries flooding the coasts of the world
You don’t have to be a master evangelist to take this school, you just have to be willing to take the next step of obedience.
Upcoming Courses
Duration: 24 Weeks
Dates: June 28th, 2025 - December 13th, 2025
Duration: 24 Weeks
Dates: TBD
Course Cost: $9,000
What does this cost cover?
Lecture Phase:
Tuition costs (Books, materials, etc)
Food and housing in Lakeside, MT
All campus services included, free of charge (Gym, laundry, library and more)
Outreach Phase:
International Travel and Transportation
Food and housing overseas
All ministry costs and expenses
International Health care coverage
Loss-prevention insurance
Our Aim for you is 4-Fold:
Impart passion for soul winning;
Identify gifts and callings;
Train long-term workers;
Inspire Ventures of faith.