Target Nations
In an effort to increase long-term effectiveness in our overseas outreaches and ministry, YWAM Montana-Lakeside adopted the concept of “targeting.”
Currently, we are focusing on, Cambodia, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, and two other *creative access nations as our Target Nations. We are partnering with YWAM ministries in these nations by coming alongside them in tangible ways to help them fulfill their vision and ministry goals.
We do this by building relationships, sending school outreach teams, resources, and staff outreach teams to meet specific needs. We believe God is leading us to concentrate our efforts more specifically in order to see a greater impact in the Kingdom of God and, together with long-term workers, have more lasting fruit.
Creative Access Nations
We have two other target nations where we have had long-standing partnerships with YWAM leaders/locations, but we cannot post about them on our website or social media because of the risk it could bring to the long-term workers. Our teams that go to these 2 nations are safe and are doing great work to share the gospel alongside our long-term workers. We also ask each team member not to post anything about their location on social media. We want to do our best to honor the request of our long-term workers and protect the ministries they have spent years developing with God’s guidance.