Engage in a critical and necessary topic in this age
Gain Scriptural and theological boundaries of what is and isn’t God-honoring sexuality
Practice and engage in difficult conversations surrounding human sexuality and ministering to those who are navigating sexual brokenness.
Participate in realistic conversations, workshops and practical examples that give you the tools to walk in confidence as you minister to those around you.
Engage in weekly times of prayer, worship, and fellowship with Christians from around the world.
Be a part of a healthy and holistic Response
Christ Centered Sexuality brings a biblical and pastoral understanding to the conversation of sexual wholeness
Benefit from a nurturing atmosphere where you can freely share your thoughts, ask questions, and explore your faith.
Take advantage of engaging teaching and coaching that ensure you can grow in your understand of God’s design and desire for human sexuality
Navigate your growth with staff and leaders who have personal experience with their own journey of pursuing sexual wholeness
Upcoming Courses
Duration: 6 Weeks
Dates: May 19th, 2025 - June 27, 2025
Course Cost: $1,950
What does this cost cover?
Tuition costs (Classroom materials, guest speakers, and more)
Food and housing in Lakeside, MT for 6 weeks
All campus services included, free of charge (Gym, laundry, library and more)
What is not included
Textbooks (Estimated cost of $50-$100)
Required Reading List
An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us about Love and the Gospel. By Laurie and Matt Krieg
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. By Nancy Pearcy
Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters. By Julianna Slattery
People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality Is Not Just an Issue. By Preston M. Sprinkle
Embodied: Transgender Identities, The Church & What the Bible Has to Say. By Preston M. Sprinkle
Problems we want to address
Helping leaders and disciples
grow in a robust Biblical Sexual Ethic
Contextualizing conversations and
topics about human sexuality in YWAM
Helping YWAM Locations and Churches
know how to create a welcoming
and compassionate environment
for all forms of sexual brokenness.
Helping Christians know how to
navigate gay-affirming theology.
Giving a unique angle for approaching
the porn problem
that’s affecting the Church.
Outcomes you will leave with
Understand the God’s design
and desire for human sexuality
Understand key scripture and theological
truths regarding human sexuality
Understand how to engage with
and minister to the LGBTQ+ person
both in and outside of the Body of Christ
Create a heart for
the sexually broken
Be encouraged to address
and engage in conversations
surrounding these topics
Meet The founder
Sally Jo
Sally Jo was born and raised in Washington State, in 2009 she moved to Montana to attend the School of Biblical Studies at (SBS) Youth With a Mission (YWAM). During that time she fell in love with missions and the Bible and would end up relocating to Montana to serve with YWAM as a full time missionary and help train other missionaries in the area of Biblical education.
After several years of serving with the SBS at YWAM Montana, in 2017, She moved to Boston to pursue her Masters in the New Testament from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary(GCTS). After Graduation (in May of 2019) she returned to YWAM Montana to continue training missionaries in Biblical education but this time serving with the theological education program Biblical Seminars.
It was at GCTS where Sally Jo started her journey of digging deeper into the topic(s) of sex, sexuality, gender, singleness and marriage, when she returned to Montana she began writing lectures and training sessions that centered around the topic of human sexuality.
For the last five years Sally Jo has dedicated herself to the topic of human sexuality. This was largely because of her own journey of navigating same sex attraction as a Christian, but now it has grown into a passion and desire to help YWAM and the Church.
Sally Jo believes the Bible is very clear when it comes to God's heart for sex, sexuality, gender, singleness and marriage, she seeks to be biblically and theologically accurate from a Non-affirming traditional posture. While at the same time caring deeply about those who struggle when it comes to their sexuality, gender and other forms of sexual brokenness.
What we believe
We affirm the Traditional, Biblical definition of marriage as historically held by all three branches of Christianity Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox that marriage is a God ordained union between a man and a woman; that marriage is a covenant before God between two sexually different adult persons (one man and one woman) that unites them in a life-long, monogamous commitment to each other.
We affirm that marriage is theologically significant. For those who are called into a marriage relationship, their marriage (according to the apostle Paul) will be a living metaphor of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
We affirm that it is only within this context of marriage that sexual behavior must take place. Any sexual behavior outside the context of marriage as defined above is sin (this includes lustful thoughts and pornography) and incompatible with ethics of kingdom living and the new life in Christ .
We affirm that a life of singleness and celibacy is theologically significant. For those who are called to be single and celibate, their lives serve as a picture of how believers live and relate to one another in eternal life. We affirm that celibacy is the required state of someone who is unmarried and abstains from sexual behavior. Singleness and celibacy can be a calling from God or the free choice of the person. We affirm that the celibate person is to be committed to being chaste, that is to abstain from all forms of sexual behavior.
We affirm that the fall corrupted God’s original design and desire for human sexuality for all persons. Therefore everyone is navigating sexual brokenness in various experiences and capacities.
We affirm there is a difference between the experience of attraction to the same sex (or being gay) and actively engaging in same sex (or gay) behaviors (such as: same sex romantic/erotic relationships, same sex sexual behavior, lustful thoughts, etc). We affirm that the person who experiences attraction to the same sex can live a thriving Christian life, while upholding and being committed to the historical traditional understanding of marriage and sex as defined above (whether they commit to singleness and celibacy OR enter into marriage to the opposite sex).
We affirm that biological sex is essential to human identity, personhood and expression of the image of God.
Testimonies from Christ-Centered Sexuality students