“Have you Discovered Your Calling?”

We go into the world to bring the love of Jesus to those living in fear, to those who are orphaned, to the lost and hurting world. We do this because He said to go. There is no option to stay. We desire what He desires: that all should know him. He knows their names, he knows their hearts. He sends us so that they will know His name, to know his heart for them.

Whether we are working in our hometown, going to school, or a world away — the calling is the same. We sacrifice our lives in order for Jesus to show himself through us. We forsake all grandeur for this Simple Gospel: that the love of God is capable of changing any heart. Every day we insist on Jesus, because He is the only way. How do we know this? We have experienced it. We have seen time and again the depth of God’s love for us.

So, let us go and proclaim the love of Jesus. Let us not rest until every person has heard of this love. Let us walk in the fullness of God’s calling in our lives. Together, let’s be the physical extension of God’s love to the people around us. There is a world waiting for this love. Who are we going to reach out to this week? Who in our communities have not heard of this love?

We pray that you would be bold this week, that the love of Jesus would flow through you. We pray that He would fill you to overflowing with his love in every moment, of every day. That God would create divine appointments for you as go about your week. That He would show up in the line at the grocery store, that you would hear his voice as you drive to work, that as you wake in the morning He is there.

To the ends of the earth, and every person we meet along the way.

Thinking about getting involved in missions? Learn more about a YWAM Discipleship Training School!

A Discipleship Training School is a 5 1/2 month intensive missions and discipleship course. The journey begins in Lakeside, Montana where students get to learn and grow in the Lord followed by traveling to an outreach location to make God known in the nations.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

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So wat di, khap! (hello in Thai) We’ve been in Thailand for about a week now. It seems crazy because it feels much longer than

Why Do I Dance?

Our dance company recently returned from a tour across the southern United States. While in the South we quickly realized that self-expression isn’t as prevalent in southern churches and