Oakhurst, California

Cortnie Brooks

Cortnie Brooks

Cortnie has a Master’s degree in Education and International Development from University College London. She attended her DTS at YWAM Montana-Lakeside in 2003 and her outreach was to England and Northern Ireland. She now lives with her husband, Andy, and their four beautiful children. She has been staffing and leading TESOL seminars at Lakeside since 2009. In 2014, she and her husband also began training DTS students in Coffee Industry-related skills for the mission field. Cortnie has a heart for seeing people grow to their full potential and daring them to dream the biggest of dreams. She likes reading books, growing peppers in her garden, and drinking coffee with friends. And she loves collating.

Hope is Terrifying

‘“About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.”  “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t

Your Beauty is Not Your Value

It was over – again.  The hope, unspoken, barely admitted, though thoroughly wrestled through, fell away like it had so often done before. As usual,