Clintonville, Wisconsin

Joshua Miller

Joshua Miller

Josh spent the last five years splitting time between Montana, and his home in Wisconsin. While in Montana, Josh works with the various biblical programs on campus, as both a student and volunteer member. In Wisconsin, Josh worked a variety of jobs, making him averagely capable in many skills. Josh’s previous bio stated that he was a pirate. He is not a pirate; He’s never even been on a boat that has sails. Josh’s dream is to someday be a professor in a seminary somewhere in outer space, but as that seems increasingly unlikely, he hopes to be able to teach the Bible in whatever context God provides here on Earth for the benefit and growth of the body of Christ, the church.

Hope is Terrifying

‘“About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.”  “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t

Your Beauty is Not Your Value

It was over – again.  The hope, unspoken, barely admitted, though thoroughly wrestled through, fell away like it had so often done before. As usual,