Atascadero, California

Kami Hallquist

Kami Hallquist

Kami Hallquist has been working in the DTS department for the past two years. She has a heart for discipleship and longs to see people transformed by the power of the Gospel. Kami has been dancing for 13 years. She completed her School of Dance Studies in 2013 and has gone on tour with the Axios Dance Company. Kami is very excited to lead this dance focused DTS and to see God move in and through this art form.

Hope is Terrifying

‘“About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.”  “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t

Your Beauty is Not Your Value

It was over – again.  The hope, unspoken, barely admitted, though thoroughly wrestled through, fell away like it had so often done before. As usual,