Biblical Seminars


Course Description.

Biblical Seminars offers SBS graduates the opportunity to examine theological topics and questions raised during the study of the Bible. The key to being an effective communicator of the gospel is to first understand what questions your cultural context is asking, and then to offer appropriate theological answers to those questions. What is the Trinity and how can we explain it? How is Jesus fully God and fully human? What does it mean to reach a culture with the gospel? The answers to these questions, and many more, are explored in Biblical Seminars. Upon completion of the Seminars students can then return to their ministry location and provide adequate theological answers to their context’s questions.


SBS has graduates, Titus has participants, Biblical Seminars has researchers. In Biblical Seminars student researchers are introduced to Biblical and theological questions which have been asked throughout Church History. We read the writings of the great thinkers and theologians all the way from the early church to today. As a community, we come to the theological table and enter the discussion with Christians who have wrestled with questions and issues raised from the reading of the Scriptures. This will culminate in a research project that contributes to missions. Let the discussions commence!



As missionaries, studying and research should never solely be for our own benefit but for the benefit of others. We aim to see our student researchers commissioned and sent!! Whether overseas, the local church, or their hometown, the options are endless! Our world is desperate for those who are educated, trained and equipped in the Word of God. Therefore, we encourage our student researchers to discover to whom or where they are called and GO!



YWAM Montana | Lakeside is involved in the global initiative called Ending Bible Poverty Now (EBPN). The three aspects of EBPN are Bible Translation, Bible Distribution and Bible Engagement. We make a contribution to Bible Engagement by equipping Bible teachers to answer the questions that their context is asking. Doing theology in this phase means bringing out the meaning and application of the text for their ministry setting. We offer all this because we believe the Bible transforms peoples, nations, and cultures.


Biblical Seminars.

Old Testament Theology

This course is designed to give the student who is familiar with the content of the books of the Old Testament the opportunity for advanced study of the Old Testament. This is not an Old Testament Survey. Rather, the course is an analytical study of the Old Testament and its themes and the theology that can be derived from these. The goal is to obtain a better understanding of the whole of the Old Testament, particularly of the God of the Old Testament and His working through history and the nation of Israel, in order to better understand the fulfillment of the Old Testament in Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament Studies Seminar is ideal for the SBS graduate who desires to go deeper into the theological issues raised by the Old Testament without having to go to seminary.

New Testament Theology

The New Testament Studies Seminar is one of a four-part seminar series offered by SBS International (also available are: Old Testament Studies Seminar, Theology of Paul Seminar and Church History Seminar). This seminar is designed to give SBS graduates and SBS missionary members a greater depth of proficiency in the New Testament and the theological issues that it raises. It also provides the student with the opportunity to engage in the discipline of New Testament Theology in order to thoughtfully reflect on the central themes and critical questions of the New Testament.

The New Testament Studies Seminar will give an SBS graduate seminary-level instruction without having to leave the mission field. All seminars are accredited with the U of N and can be taken to obtain a Biblical Studies degree.

Pauline Theology

The subject of the theology of the apostle Paul is far too vast to examine exhaustively in one semester. Thus this course is designed to analyze and interpret the “building blocks,” i.e., the major themes and topics that form the foundation of the Apostle Paul’s theology. The goal of better understanding the theology of Paul is that the student will be better equipped to teach from the Pauline corpus so that the Body of Christ (a Pauline term!) might be built up.  This seminar is intended for SBS graduates and missionary members, or anyone interested to teach from the letters of the apostle Paul.

Church History

Winston Churchill said, “Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” The saying applies to politics as well as to the Church. The writer of Ecclesiastes wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

No one book or course entitled “Church History” could adequately cover all the major people, eras or events of the Christian Story. With that in mind, The Church History Seminar is designed to give the student a broad picture of our Story in the hope that a greater love and appreciation for the Church be cultivated. It is also an intention of this course that the student obtain a better picture of what our Lord has been doing and continues to do through His Church through the ages in order that we might catch a better glimpse of our place in the Story.

Meet Your School Leaders.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

Setting the Table.

Biblical Seminar students gather weekly to process and discuss the theological topics they are learning throughout the different courses offered.

What our students say.