Embracing Silence

“In silence and in meditation on the eternal truths, I hear the voice of God which excites our hearts to greater love.”  — C. S. Lewis

If I am being honest, I don’t always desire time with God as much as I think I should.

If I am being honest, I don’t always desire time with God as much as I think I should. I want the distractions. I want the Netflix binge. I want the noise. I want the people. I want the things that the world screams I need. But all those things still leave me desiring something deeper. Something that I can usually only find in the silence with my Savior.

So why is it so hard for me to desire the silent times with God? My habits keep pushing me to run after the things that world puts on a pedestal as the “essentials.” Christians even put these on a pedestal sometimes. There is a constant pressure to be caught up on the latest show or buzz in the media. But in order to do so, the noise and distractions can literally never end.

We are actually made for the ebb and flow of noise and silence, community and solitude.

The harsh news is that constant screen time, is not sustainable. We are actually made for the ebb and flow of noise and silence, community and solitude. Even Jesus, fully God and fully Man, took times away from the crowds for silence and rest (Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42). He was always getting away to spend time with His Father in silence and solitude. Jesus would even take time for silence and rest in the middle of chaotic storms (Mark 4:38). God himself set aside time for rest after He finished creation, thus setting an example for us (Genesis 2:2-3).

After studying Spiritual disciplines, God laid it heavy on my heart to start practicing the discipline of silence and solitude. This is REALLY difficult for me. Again, I like the noise. The first thing I do when I get in the car is turn on music for the drive. The first thing I do when I sit down to work at my desk, is turn on the perfect playlist to set the mood for study. I avoid silence like none other. Not because I am afraid of what I will find there, but because I really like music and interaction and avoiding boredom.

It only takes a few minutes a day to quiet my soul and listen.

God has been patiently teaching me the joy of silence, solitude and meditation. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes a day to quiet my soul and listen. But it is in those moments that God truly speaks!  The times where I turn off the music on a drive and just listen in the silence are among some of my favorite times with God I have had.


So how do I pursue silence?


Stop Trying to Avoid Boredom

I’m learning to not jump from one thing to the next just to stay busy and instead to embrace unoccupied moments and be still before God. In those times, I am learning to settle into the peace and freedom that can be found in the rest.

Turn off the Noise

It is important to turn off external noises like Netflix or Spotify, but God is also teaching me how to intentionally quiet my own thoughts that try to dominate the silence. Once the other distractions cease, I have found that I can focus on the one voice I truly desire to hear, God’s.

Creating Moments in the Hussle

There is always going to be something breaking the silence. However, God is showing me how to find moments of reflection and silence in the midst of noise and chaos. In a room full of people, I can still quiet myself and listen to God’s whisper. On a noisy trail in Glacier National Park, I can still encounter my Creator. God is omnipresent; it just takes opening my ears to hear him amidst the busyness.

I promise the fight against distractions is worth it! There is such great value in taking time to pause, turn off the noise and to seek the Lord. To be with him is to know him more. So, let us discover a whole new level of intimate relationship with our Creator — in the silence.



Do you find yourself distracted by the busyness of life? 

Come join us for a Discipleship Training School where you can learn how to prioritize listening to God in a noisy world!


Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

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