You’re Going to Meet Jesus!

“You’re going to go do a DTS? You’re going to meet Jesus!” A stranger looked at me with tears in his eyes, as this shocking statement hit my heart. Meet Jesus? I already have! I was not sure what this statement meant, but it was the third time that someone had leaned over a table and said this to me as I prepared to follow Jesus into missions. I was going to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School), and all I knew was that the doors were opening and money was coming in; in mysterious and mind-blowing ways. I also kept meeting these people called “YWAMers” who, when they heard I was going to do a school with this organization, would almost always respond by saying, “you’re going to meet Jesus.” Sometimes I was confused and taken aback by it, but this statement hung in the air.

It was the longing of my heart to truly meet Jesus and to learn what it actually meant to follow Him, a concept that I’d tried to embrace but miserably failed at. I felt constantly unsure, afraid, and convinced that if I made the wrong move Jesus wouldn’t love me anymore. How could I follow Him, lay everything down, and give my life to share Him with those who are lost? I didn’t even feel like I knew Him, and the things I had been told about Him, didn’t seem to match my broken, sinful experiences. I had run away, I was far, far away and I didn’t know how or why God would use me. But I took these tiny steps. I felt blindfolded, when I was actually just blind, but I heard what I thought might be Him and followed.

I followed Jesus to Montana and He met me there. I had never seen the love of Jesus, I had never experienced real relationship with God, but had only heard about and hoped for it. It was in following Him that I experienced it. So, enamored with His grace, I continued following and I’ve followed Him to different cities and countries around the world learning about His love for the magnificent peoples and cultures He created.

And you know what? I haven’t stopped meeting Jesus. I meet Him daily and I follow Him daily. Will you? Has He called you to the nations? Is He calling you to know Him and make Him known to others? Following Jesus is a daily thing that guides our lives. What is that quiet voice saying to your heart? Will you listen? Will you follow?

Thinking about following Jesus into missions? Learn more about a YWAM Discipleship Training School!

A Discipleship Training School is a 5 1/2 month intensive missions and discipleship course. The journey begins in Lakeside, Montana where students get to learn and grow in the Lord followed by traveling to an outreach location to make God known in the nations.

Ready to make the jump.

At YWAM Montana-Lakeside, we are all about doing whatever it takes to know God and to make Him known, together! We’d love to help you make that next step in your global missions education. Apply now!

Alabama Update

Our trip to Alabama was an outreach planned by some of David Garrigan’s close friends. The idea was to help out a ministry known as