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Campus Blog


Our blog is a place where students and missionary members alike post frequently about all of the things that are happening here on campus and throughout the world. We post outreach updates, testimonies, devotionals, and encouragements that cover a multitude of themes and subjects. Our desire is that these posts will give you a better idea of what we are doing here at YWAM Montana Lakeside and that this blog will be an encouragement for you in your walk with Christ.

Can One Word Change Your Life?

God spoke one word clearly during the lecture phase; “Montana.” When I was 19 I left England and eagerly boarded a plane for The Netherlands

The Crux of Self-pity

Within a rock climbing route, there is often one spot defined as the crux.  The moment of truth.  The technical portion that once one is

Can WE change lives?

Reaching out. In the past 6 months, I’ve seen this phrase play out in Scripture repeatedly. In Luke chapter 8 Jesus was on his way

What If God Stays Silent?

The silence feels devastating. If I lack these things when God speaks, you can probably guess how my heart is when I feel He is

Are you feeling lonely?

Did you know that we were built to be in community? Even inside the most introverted, independent person, there is a desire to be in

What Have You Placed Your Hope In?

On EDTS outreach in 2016, my team spent most our time in mountainside villages sharing the gospel and distributing Bibles. We hiked from one place

What do I do with my life now?

We have all been in that place… “NOW WHAT?” “What direction do I go?” “What am I supposed to follow?” I was 19 and at

Please Don’t Wait for Marriage

It has been an undefined expectation in my head that marriage would fulfill or complete me… “How am I supposed to wait patiently for marriage?” This