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Campus Blog


Our blog is a place where students and missionary members alike post frequently about all of the things that are happening here on campus and throughout the world. We post outreach updates, testimonies, devotionals, and encouragements that cover a multitude of themes and subjects. Our desire is that these posts will give you a better idea of what we are doing here at YWAM Montana Lakeside and that this blog will be an encouragement for you in your walk with Christ.

Who Have you Noticed Recently?

Working with a missions movement on a large campus, I get to wet my feet with a lot of different departments.  My main role is

Hope is Terrifying

‘“About this time next year,” Elisha said, “you will hold a son in your arms.”  “No, my lord!” she objected. “Please, man of God, don’t

Your Beauty is Not Your Value

It was over – again.  The hope, unspoken, barely admitted, though thoroughly wrestled through, fell away like it had so often done before. As usual,

Start Acting Like a Grandma

I’m a youth ministry person through and through. I have absolutely loved getting to walk with several youth as they have wrestled through what it

Finding Two Norths

2011 was the year that YWAM changed everything. 2017 was the year I learned why. I had a nagging voice in my mind telling me

Can I be Complete Without Marriage?

I’ve heard it suggested that marriage is the only place you can attain full intimacy with God. It seems that because Christian covenant marriage is

Be Counter-cultural

“…this Western Culture that we are a part of, no longer believes that there is any such thing as an absolute truth.” You and I

Do you Filter who God is?

It feels like now, perhaps more than any other time in history, we are a culture devoted to self. In the age of limitless information,

Crying In Airport Bathrooms

There’s a first time for everything, they say. On a trip last summer I experienced a first. I do a lot of traveling being a

Overcoming Shame

Shame. The word itself causes a physical reaction. The cringing feeling of discomfort. The instant pain of embarrassment.  The, “Oh no! Don’t get too close!”,

Embracing Silence

“In silence and in meditation on the eternal truths, I hear the voice of God which excites our hearts to greater love.”  — C. S.

Are Your Friends Good for You?

I read something on social media the other day and it said, “Surround yourself with people who make you happy.” Although I can appreciate the sentiment

You’re an Extra

No one is going to remember you when you die. This isn’t just an opinion of mine, it’s a statement backed up by statistics. According

Look Up

A spoken word by Mandie Messerschmidt I’m Drowning. Where am I? I look around and I am drowning in a pool of fear and doubt.

Daring To Be Obedient

My journey to becoming a missionary with YWAM began in September 2013. For several years before coming to YWAM Montana I had been actively involved

To Be Known

“I always thought it was what I wanted to be loved and admired…. now I think I’d like to be known.” — The Nightingale The

5 Things to Stop Doing in Your 20s

A lot happens in your 20s! So, it is important to be taking intentional steps towards formulating good habits. What you put into practice today

Advice From A Recovering Quoteaholic

I am a quote junkie. Deep breath…It’s out there. I just love those little sentences that inspire and motivate. Funny quotes, health quotes, Bible verses